The Academic Hub is a partnership of several academic units aimed at promoting academic success: Learning Support Services (Tutoring), Communication Center, Writing Center, Dean B. Ellis Library, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. We are located on the third floor of the Dean B. Ellis Library. Take the stairs or elevator past the round Service Desk.
To learn more about each unit in the Academic Hub, click below:
What we do: Learning Support Services provides free tutoring for A-State students in 1000 and 2000-level courses along with some upper-level course as deemed necessary. We also provide Learning Groups and Learning Support Coaches. The Learning Groups are peer or graduate assistant-led learning groups. The leader facilitates discussion and understanding of the material and how to best prepare and study for the class including improving specific study skills for that course. Our Learning Support Coaches can help you create study plans, assist with study skills, or develop a time management plan that works for you. They can also help identify specific resources on campus to best assist you!
Getting help: Sign up with your student email on Penji using the Penji App or by visiting PenjiApp.Com followed by selecting “Learning Support Services.”
What we do: The Communication Center is a non-judgmental space for students to practice and prepare oral presentations for any assignment, project, or speaking opportunity. Our trained student coaches are able to assist clients in developing, organizing, and delivering speeches -- from preparation to presentation. Our center is equipped with audio and visual recording capabilities so clients can review their work and coaching session after the appointment. Additionally, we can help with things like: citing sources, organizing thoughts, creating effective visual aids, and overcoming speech anxiety.
Getting help: Sign up with your student email on Penji using the Penji App or by visiting PenjiApp.Com followed by selecting “Comm Center.”
What we do: Our central goal is to help make you a better writer. We understand the desire to improve an individual project, but we want to help you build the skills need to succeed long-term. So you never have to worry—our tutors aren't approaching your paper with a condemning red pen. We want to work with you, talk to you, and most importantly, teach you how to improve writing all on your own.
Getting help: Sign up with your student email on Penji using the Penji App or by visiting PenjiApp.Com followed by selecting “Writing Center.”
What we do: The Dean B. Ellis Library offers a wide variety of online and physical resources, research assistance, study rooms, and study spaces. We also help students come up with research topics, find the resources they need, and evaluate the resources. Students can access over 300 online databases, more than 50,000 full-text journal articles, and over 300,000 ebooks from on- and off-campus. We also have a robust Archives & Special Collection unit that provides unique insights to our campus and local history.
Getting help:
Help is available in a variety of ways: in-person, email, phone, 24/7 chat, and virtually by appointment. Requests for assistance can also be scheduled through one of our many Request Forms. For students who prefer to learn on their own, we also have over 100 Research Guides and several instructional videos available online.
What we do: While many of the services in the Academic Hub are aimed primarily at student success, we focus on faculty success and student-faculty collaboration. Our purpose is to provide faculty with the professional development, training, and resources they need to excel as educators, researchers and professionals. We also have space for faculty to meet and work with students.
Getting help:
Faculty who need help with their classes, are looking for training opportunities, or want to learn more about CETL can help with student collaboration can call or email us.