The Cochrane Library main page contains many resources. A few current reviews are listed and there are tabs for Highlighted Reviews and Special Collections, which are articles related to a particular topic, then if you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can browse the database of systematic reviews by main topic.
Across the top in the magenta bar are three main headings with dropdowns.
Cochrane Reviews lets you browse by topic and review group, and gives you access to editorials, table of contents, special collections and Cochrane supplements.
Trials is the central register of trials.
More Resources is a conglomeration of options, which includes the Database of Abstracts of Reviews and Effects, methods studies, technology assessments, economic evaluations, Cochrane clinical answers, the Cochrane journal club, and Cochrane learning. Several of these are new to the database. In Cochrane Learning, health professionals can register for free and complete professional development activities.