Benjamin Banneker by Lillie G. Patterson; David Brown (Illustrator)
Focus on family this Advent and Christmas season : The Family Advent Wreath , a simple, eight-panel brochure provides you with the information you need to observe the four Sundays of Advent in your own home with family and friends. The first two panels give you simple information about the nature and purpose of Advent worship, the traditional meaning of the advent wreath and candles, and instructions for lighting the candles. The remaining panels provide the services for blessing your advent wreath, each of the four Sundays in Advent, and a Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service. Purchase a copy for each person who will particpate so that they can follow the service. Caution: If you use real candles in your wreath, observe all safety measures for both children and adults.
Call Number: B B226pa 1978
ISBN: 0687029007
Publication Date: 1978-03-01