Introduces the main series within the Reader Collection geared to adults who are beginning to read in English. The Reader Collection is located in the Juvenile Collection on the second floor..
The Beast by Carolyn Walker; Philip Prowse (Contribution by)"I sleep with my eyes open. My ears hear the smallest sound and I wake. You may see something moving in the corner of your eye. If you turn to look, there will be nothing there. But I am following in the darkness behind you. I am your worst dream." On holiday in Wales, Susie meets the "undead". Is it a man, or an animal?
Call Number: F W1514b 2001 (Level 6 red)
ISBN: 9780521750165
The Ironing Man by Colin B. CampbellWhile Tom is at work in London, his wife Marina is left bored and alone in the small village where they live. She wishes for someone to do the housework for her and a strange thing happens. Her wish comes true; the Ironing Man enters her life, and everything begins to change for both Marina and Tom.
Call Number: F C1523i 1999 (Level 6 red)
ISBN: 052166621X
Just Good Friends by Penny HancockIt's Stephany and Max's first holiday away together and they want to get to know each other. They go to Italy and stay at Stephany's friend Carlo's flat in a Mediterranean village. But Carlo's wife is not very happy to see Stephany. The two couples find out why, and a lot of other things about each other in a hot Italian summer.
Call Number: F H1912j 1999 (Level 6 red)
ISBN: 9780521775335
Not Above the Law by Richard MacAndrewGeorge, a Dublin lawyer, opens his eyes. It's 7 am. There's blood, thick dark blood, in his bed. What happened? It's not his blood, so whose is it? George wants to know. And so does Inspector Sean Murphy of the Dublin Police.
Call Number: F M1183n 2010 (Level 6 red)
ISBN: 9780521140966
Strong Medicine by Richard MacAndrewDr. Mark Latto travels to California to learn about a new medicine that his friend, Deborah Spencer, is developing. When he arrives, he finds that Deborah is dead and the book that she was writing has disappeared. Is it murder? The police don't think it is, but Mark isn't so sure.
"Choose a paragraph, short article or newspaper story with new vocabulary. Use the Babylon dictionary or other online pronunciation resource to help you learn the correct pronunciation of these words."