We have more than 300 different databases on every topic imaginable.
Here is our complete list of databases.You can search from home, but you'll need to log in with your A-State credentials.
In the box below, you'll find some of our more popular databases.
Mostly full-text, broad subject database with strong coverage in many subject areas.
Massive journal and e-book collection. Contains core scholarly journals from the earliest issues to within a few years of current publication
The largest aggregated full-text database in the market today, with thousands of periodical titles and millions of full-text articles available. Includes ABI/Inform and Hoover's Company Profiles.
Robert Robinette - Librarian Sherry Eskridge - Librarian Dominique Hallett - Librarian
Knowing where to start your research can be a tricky proposition. You can explore our variety of databases (left) and research guides (below) or meet with one of our reference librarians (above) for a more in-depth research consultation.
You can contact our Research Department to get the research help you need by any methods listed below.
Phone: 870-972-3208
In Person: Visit the Library service desk
Email: refdesk@astate.edu
We can also assist you online via Skype or Zoom. Email us to schedule a time.
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