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Disaster Strikes! Locating Government Resources to Help During Crisis: Earthquakes




Genthe, A., photographer. (1906) San Francisco earthquake. San Francisco California, 1906. [, Printed Later] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

General Earthquake Information

ShakeOut 2021: Earthquake Awareness Enables Community Preparedness

Nearly half of Americans are exposed to potentially damaging earthquakes where they work and live. Still others will be at risk when traveling. It’s a good idea for everyone, everywhere to know how to protect themselves during an earthquake.

Be prepared and join millions of people participating in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills worldwide October 21st. During the drill, participants practice “Drop! Cover! and Hold On!” and other recommended safety actions to take during an earthquake. There are even resources for people with disabilities available at the Earthquake Country Alliance Accessibility site.

Significant Earthquakes in the Last 30 Days

Earthquake Multimedia