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Cochrane Library: Search Results

Guide to using the Cochrane Library database.

Search Results

Your search results will be similar to this:

When you click on the document title the Abstract automatically comes up.  With the Reviews, along the top of the abstract you have the option of viewing the document in HTML, Enhanced Article HTML (which gives you some links along the left side to look at references, tables, etc.), opening the Summary, the Standard or the Full document.  The Standard document is generally the majority of the document and sufficient for most people.  The Full document can be much larger and is usually only needed by serious researchers.  If applicable, Document Status Icons will appear to the right of the citation.  They may include "Methodology", "New Search", Update", "Withdrawn", etc.  This area will also indicate if it is a Review or a Protocol.  If the item is available full text there will be an open yellow lock immediately to the left of the citation.


From the results screen you can also access the Wiley Online Library database.  Wiley is the publisher of Cochrane and the link is in the upper left-hand corner of the page.  For information on how to use the Wiley Online Library please see our Research Guide.