The Dean B. Ellis Library encourages the A-State community
to use spaces inside the Library for programs, events, and exhibits.
Space is primarily available on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
We will consider alternative locations, but the 4th and 5th floors are designated quiet areas and not available.
All events, programs, and exhibits held within the Library should reflect the scholarly, historical, social, and cultural concerns of the A-State community.
All events must be free of charge and open to the public.
The Library will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected class. Priority will be given to events created by the Library and the A-State community in the following order:
The Library is not obligated to accept every request. The decision to accept and schedule a request rests entirely with the Library. The Library also reserves the right to cancel an event if any campus regulation or applicable law is violated.
All art works must be submitted for review prior to the exhibit. Reproductions (i.e. photographs, slides) are acceptable formats for review. All art must be labeled with the artist’s name. Works not immediately identifiable as art must be labeled as so.
The Library reserves the right to decline or remove any questionable material including, but not limited to, those that use profanity, show nudity, sexual in nature, and pose a safety hazard or perceived to be a potential safety hazard or security threat. In addition, controversial material must represent both sides of the controversy equally in order to be considered.
The Library assumes no responsibility for the artistic or intellectual content of any exhibits.
All events will be scheduled through the Library. The Library cannot guarantee approval of any request made less than one month before the scheduled start date. In addition, the Library reserves the right to postpone, reschedule, or cancel an event.
If you choose to cancel an event, notice must be given in writing to the Library as early as possible so that another event may be scheduled.
Set-up is primarily your responsibility. Library staff is able to provide limited assistance with proper notification. Exhibits must be dismantled within 24 hours of the end of the exhibit. In the event of damage to the Library, you will be responsible for the cost of any repairs.
Set-up and dismantling may need to be scheduled around classes or exams. Events which may produce significant sound levels, such as musical performances, need to be scheduled around quiet times such as exams or class meetings in the Library.
The Library cannot provide security at any time and accepts no responsibility for any damage or theft of items while displayed in the Library. We do not carry special insurance for damaged or stolen items; therefore you may not want to display irreplaceable items or items of great value. All exhibitors must fill out an Event Release Form.
The Library will provide limited guidance regarding publicity but will not be primarily responsible. Those wishing for publicity assistance must provide the Library with a short description of the program, exhibit, or event.
The Dean B. Ellis Library does not have a separate budget for receptions. Those wishing to host a reception or provide refreshments, must go through Sodexo Food Services. In order to provide your own refreshments, you must seek an exemption of the Sodexo food policy. The Library will not be held responsible for any violations of this campus policy.
The Library is not responsible for any merchandise brought into the building. All potential sales of books or other merchandise is the sole responsibility of the event organizer. The Dean B. Ellis Library does not have the personnel to provide this service, but we will gladly setup a table if needed.
Any merchandise sold at events held within the Library must be free of all campus and Red Wolf branding. No A-State or athletics logos of any kind are permitted.
Those who wish to sell books through the Campus Bookstore must contact them at (870) 972-2058 or
In the event of damage, including damage to physical spaces, you may be held financially responsible for repairs. A-State students, faculty, and staff will be billed directly to their A-State accounts. Alumni not in the system will receive an invoice for damages. Those with unpaid damages will not be permitted to use Library space for further events. In the result of repeat damage or extreme damage, the Library reserves the right to deny future event requests.
The Library reserves the right to remove any objectionable person(s) from the building. If that person(s) is affiliated with your event, you will be held responsible for damages incurred from such removal.
All events held within the Library, including exhibits and book signings, must be approved by the Library's Outreach and External Communication Team.
Please submit a registration form for approval.
Guide owner: April Sheppard, Associate Dean of Library,