This guide is intended to help you find both print and online LGBTQ resources. This guide is only a starting point for your research, it is not meant to be a comprehensive list of resources. If you need further assistance, please visit the Service Desk in the library or contact your librarian, April Sheppard, at
Search for articles, ebooks, journals, books, media and more with OneSearch: | |||
Search for books, dvds, journals and more with our Library Catalog Search: | |||
Scholarly and peer reviewed are your "academic" articles. These are the ones that deal directly with research, history, or theory. Most likely, your professor wants you to use these types of articles. These types of articles are written by scholars, experts in the field often associated with a university or an organization. Peer reviewed articles must also be approved by a group of scholars before being published to ensure that the research presented is factual and relevant. Not everyone can get peer reviewed.
Popular magazine articles are usually ones that you read for entertainment. These are usually the type of publications that you find at the grocery store checkout. Chances are if there's a celebrity on the cover, it's a popular magazine.
For a more in-depth look at the differences, please visit our Scholarly Journals guide.
All books in the library are arranged by subject using the Library of Congress classification system for call numbers and subject headings. The majority of call numbers for LGBTQIA+ resources begin with "HQ". The basic breakdown is as follows:
HQ74 - HQ74.2 | - | Bisexuality |
HQ75 - HQ76.8 | - | Homosexuality, Lesbianism |
HQ77 - HQ77.2 | - | Transvestism* |
HQ77.7 - HQ77.95 | - | Transexualism*. Transgender. |
Occasionally a totally different call number will appear. This means the item is about more than LGBTQ issues and higher importance was given to the other subject when the call number was assigned. For example, such as Queer Burroughs has a call number of PS3552.U75 Z84 2001 because it is more about an author than homosexuality itself - but that doesn't mean it's not a great book for your topic!
* The Library of Congress Classification System was developed in 1897. As culture and technology changes, so has the classification system - albeit, slowly. Because of the age of the classification system, you sometimes come across words and phrases that are either not currently used or no longer socially acceptable. Transvestism and transexualism are examples of words that have fallen out of favor that have not yet been updated in the classification system. Do not use these terms to refer to others unless they specifically self identify with the term.
Databases with green or partially green icons offer some level of free, full-text articles. In most cases, you must be affiliated with A-State to view the article or on the A-State campus. If you you find an article that the library doesn't have, you may also request it through Interlibrary Loan for free. Articles requested through Interlibrary Loan can take 2-5 business days to come in, depending on the lending library. You can also digital scans from our physical collection through Digital Delivery.
To view all our Humanities and Social Sciences databases, click here.
To view all our databases, click here.
Mostly full-text, broad subject database with strong coverage in many subject areas.
Massive journal and e-book collection. Contains core scholarly journals from the earliest issues to within a few years of current publication
The largest aggregated full-text database in the market today, with thousands of periodical titles and millions of full-text articles available. Includes ABI/Inform and Hoover's Company Profiles.
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LGBTQ covers a wide range of topics. If you're having trouble coming up with a topic, here are some keywords you can use that might help you get started:
If you want to combine keywords, use the connector AND between terms:
LGBTQ AND youth AND "mental health"
You can learn more about connectors in our Boolean Searching guide.