Predatory publishers are open access journals that operate with the sole goal of making money. It is a deceptive publishing practice that charges authors high processing fees while offering no quality control, such as peer review. They inflate their impact, hide their processes, and promise quick peer review and publishing times - hoping to appeal to scholars. These publishers do not care about the quality of the work they published, they just want to get paid. If you are ever unsure if a journal is predatory, just ask your friendly local librarian!
This Library database includes a Whitelist of over 11,000 "safe" academic journals as well as an ever growing Blacklist of predatory journals. Specialists use over 60 behavioral indicators to determine which list a journal belongs on.
Fake news tends to rely on clicks and shares to generate revenue through ads. Predatory publishing generates revenue by scamming researches and scholars. Many predatory publishers disguise themselves as reputable scholarly journals but then charge the author fees to publish their work. Their only goal is to make money, they do not care about the quality of work published.
Guide owner: April Sheppard, Associate Dean of Library,
Many scholars, including university professors, are required to conduct and publish research as part of their jobs. Getting published in a scholarly journal is a tedious, time consuming process. Predatory publishers make claims promising quick publications and are very aggressive in pursuing scholars. They often have official sounding names, a list of (fake) editors, and high (fake) impact scores that make it difficult for many to catch on to their predatory nature.
Here are some warning signs:
(Infographic from the University of West Indies)