Journals held by our library can be searched through OneSearch. However because OneSearch searches almost everything in the library at once, it's usually easier to search through the Library's Journals Search because it focuses just on actual journals. (Note: eBooks available through databases may show up in the Journal Search, but you can easily exclude them.)
The Journals Search is located on our main library homepage where it says "Find Journals:"
You can begin searching immediately from our homepage. Put in the journal title you're looking for and select either "begins with," "equals," or "contains." If you are having trouble finding results, trying searching selecting "contains" from the options. Some journals' official titles are different than their common titles and it is possible to miss results with "equals" or "begins with." If you have an ISSN, you can enter that and select "ISSN equals" from the drop down menu.
Searching by title is a great way to find articles if you know exactly which journal or resource you're looking for, including if you're trying to find an article from a citation. Simply type to title of the journal into the search box.
Hint: If you absolutely know the title of the journal you're looking for, select "Title Begins With" or "Title Equals" from the pull down menu. The third option, "Title Contains," is a great way to search if you don't know the exact title. This search option gives you the most results. For example: