Many databases allow you to create a persistent link. "Persistent links" are links that will consistently take your students directly to an article or eBook without having to conduct a new search. Due to copyright laws and license restrictions governing the use of subscription databases, persistent links can only be used where authentication is available. Persistent links can be created from Blackboard course sites, course web pages, and syllabi using the following instructions explaining how to capture the correct URL for the article and add the authentication prefix to that URL.
These instructions give specific steps for creating persistent links in multiple databases provided by 4 different vendor companies. If you need to link to an article in a database not included in these instructions, please contact Wendy Crist in the library at 870-972-2964 or by email at for specific instructions. If you need help with setting up the links inside of Blackboard, please contact the Faculty Center for assistance (870-972-2334).
The databases:
Before creating links:
After creating links for use:
Links are usually persistent, but not permanent.
Guide owner: April Sheppard, Assistant Library Director,