· Order books, articles, and more from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan and Delivery Services.
· Request the Library checks materials out to you and bring it to your office with Document Delivery!
· Schedule a pickup of library materials! We will come to your office and pick up materials to return to the library—saving you a trip. We can even recheck the items out and return them!
· Request digital scans of articles and book chapters from our physical collection.
For more information on Interlibrary Loan, contact Tia Farmer at x3362 or interlib@astate.edu.
For more information on digital delivery, pickups, or scanning, contact Jordan Wilson at x3514 or jowilson@astate.edu.
Have a question about purchasing or subscribing to books, journals, databases, or videos? Please direct all questions regarding acquisitions, departmental allocations, and library subscriptions to Star Holloway at x2549 or sholloway@astate.edu.
· Check Library collections for class resources, including ebooks and streaming video.
· Come to your class to discuss the library and/or help with research projects.
· Have a dedicated librarian embed in your class to serve as a resource for your students. We can even embed in your online classes!
For more information, contact Robert Robinette at x2568 or rrobinette@astate.edu.
· Schedule a one-on-one research consultation.
· Request a librarian to evaluate whether journals are predatory or not.
· Request Library data relevant to accreditation.
To schedule a consultation or journal review, contact Robert Robinette at x2568 or rrobinette@astate.edu.
For accreditation reports, contact April Sheppard at x2766 or asheppard@astate.edu.
Guide owner: April Sheppard, Associate Dean of Library, asheppard@astate.edu
Use this form to request the Library purchase books and other items. You can learn more about what can and cannot be requested at the Collection Management home page.
Faculty members who would like to subscribe to new journals need to follow their particular department's guidelines before contacting Star Holloway, Collection Management Librarian, at sholloway@astate.edu or (870) 972-2594.
Anyone desiring to donate books or journals to the library should contact Star Holloway, Collection Management Librarian, at sholloway@astate.edu or (870) 972-2594.
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