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Arkansas State University

Free Online Databases: General Scholarly Databases

Even if you're not an A-State student, staff, or faculty; you can still access some databases from home!

General Databases vs Specialized Databases

General databases are databases that cover a wide variety of subjects. These are good to research topics that cover a variety of discipline or when you're first starting your research. Specialized databases, also called subject-specific, are databases that only cover, or specializes, one subject area. These databases may be smaller than the general database listed on the previous page, but they often give more accurate results because they only search in the disciplines you need. Some specialized databases can be broad; for example, cover science. Others can be very specific; for example, cover only chemistry.

General Databases

** Arkansas residents only

Some resources are subscription databases provided for free by the Arkansas State Library to Arkansas residents. This list may change as subscriptions to databases change. Make sure to check this list or the State Library for a current list of free subscription-based databases.

Guide owner: April Sheppard, Associate Dean of Library,