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"Misinformation like this," you begin, "often relies on one's sense of right and wrong. It can be tailored for different beliefs, but the end result is the same: we become angry or offended."
"But why a cannibal?"
"Well, can you think of many things worse than a cannibal?" you asked.
"Not really," he admits.
"Well, there you go. This sign was created to make the most people number of people upset. No one believes cannibalism is morally right (we hope)."
"So, is all misinformation this extreme?"
"No. In fact, less people tend to believe the really outrageous stories like this -- because it's so wild. The biggest danger is misinformation that is just a little changed from the truth. This can fool the most people and be the hardest to debunk."
Sir Franklin turns to the guard, "Do you think we can call last night a simple 'misunderstanding'?" he asks. The head guards replies, "That's your call, sir." Sir Franklin grins, "It is, isn't it?" You hold your breathe as Sir Franklin turns and walks away. Just about the time you lost hope, he turns and says, "You should probably be getting home. I'm sure your family has been worried."