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You gather your courage and say, "I demand to see Sir Franklin!"
The guard laughs, "And then what?"
"I will make him tell you that it was him who spoke ill of the queen!"
The guardswoman sighs and looks at you with a mixture of pity and curiosity. "Alright," she concedes. And with a flick of her hand, another guard unlocks your cell door. "Let's get this over with," she says as she guides you into the hallway.
The guards begin marching you through the castle as you begin mentally practicing your argument. You know that Sir Franklin has a lot of pull with the royal family and he will use that influence to cast doubt on you. As you continue to walk, your legs begin to weaken and doubt settles in. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Before you can change your mind, you are pushed through a gilded door into the royal hall. Sir Franklin stands to the left of the queen. The guardsmen bow as your freeze. You've never seen the queen this close before. The Head of the Guard, pulls you down into a bow, and proclaims, "Sir Franklin, this prisoner has asked to come to demand your honesty."
Sir Franklin lifts one eyebrow, a slight curl turns on his lips. "My pardon? I'm sorry, but I don't recall that we have ever met."
All eyes turn to you. "You know who I am," your voice getting louder as you gain confidence. "You were wrong and I demand that you tell the guard that it was YOU was sharing misinformation!"
Sir Franklin's eyes darken, then he smiles, "Oh, right! YOU were the gentleman who was spouting all that fake news nonsense. Your majesty," he turns to the queen, "this is the gentleman who told everyone at the tavern that you are a cannibal."
The queen stands and yells, "Off with his head!"
Everything goes black.