Page 5
"Please let me talk to Sir Franklin," you reply. "I can convince him that he was wrong and end this misinformation once and for all."
The guard motions to another guard beside her and he unlocks your cell. "Follow me," she motions, "but you better not try anything."
"Oh no," you promise, "I just want to put an end to all this misunderstanding."
You follow the guards through the castle until stand in front of an ornate, wooden door. The guardswoman knocks and a familiar voice answers, "Come in." The Head Guard brings you into the room, "Sir Franklin, this prisoner would like to speak with you regarding the incident last night. He seems to think he can change your mind."
"Oh, he does?" Sir Franklin looks at you, measuring your worth.
"I do," you reply. "Sir Franklin, sir. I can prove to you that the story you heard about the queen was misinformation."
"Go on."
What do you do next?
Compassionately try to convince Sir Franklin that the story of the queen is false -- Page 7
Passionately try to convince Sir Franklin that the story of the queen is false -- Page 8