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The Queen is a Cannibal?! (Misinformation Story Adventure): Page 6

Use your understanding of misinformation to clear your name with the City Guard. Start with the intro and choose your next steps wisely!


Page 6

You think back to the argument:

Sir Franklin: I'm tellin' ya! Queen Bertha is a cannibal!

You: Ha! You have been listening to too many tales from the bard. The Queen is no such thing!

Sir Franklin: It's true. I saw it posted by the stables!

You: But anyone can post a notice there - that doesn't make it true.

The bulletin board by the stables! That's it! You feel a glimmer of hope as you tell the guard, "Sir Franklin was just repeating what he read - he didn't realize it was misinformation. I know where the rumor started. I can show you."

The guard motions to another guard beside her and he unlocks your cell. "Where to?" she asks.

"The bulletin board by the stables," you reply. "Sir Franklin said he saw it posted there."

The Head Guard and two others take you to the bulletin board. Quickly, you find a piece of parchment that reads:

Queen Bertha is A CANNIBAL! What THEY won't tell U!




What do you do now?

Rip the sign from the board, proclaiming that only an idiot would believe such nonsense -- Page 9

Take the sign from the board and explain to the Head Guard how one can tell it's false -- Page 10